Hello! Thank you for being here. This means that you are interested in getting to know more about me, the virtual services that I offer, and the company. You could possibly be my next client so it's great to meet you! First, I'll give you a brief background of the company - the meaning behind the name and logo, then I'll move on to the more personal stuff about me. Deal? Okay.
The Name:

(N.) Latin
Meaning: Sheep
So it's not a typo for a mature female reproductive cell, alright!? Right. I'm glad we cleared that up.
The Logo:
Of course, naturally, the name says it all. Sheep. But why have a sheep represent a business, you say? Why not an eagle? A saber-toothed tiger? Why a helpless, defenseless animal? Well. Let me share to you a couple of fun facts about the sheep and I want you to pay close attention. I'm going to list it down to make it easier to remember.
Sheep are (you are right) defenseless, helpless creatures
Sheep are not the smartest so they easily get lost or wander off on their own
Sheep are easy targets for flies, lice and ticks. Bugs would crawl through the ear canal of the unoiled sheep and nest in its brain, eating away at it. The pain from the bugs would be so severe on the sheep that the sheep would bang his skull on rocks and against trees to ease his suffering
I cannot discuss this further without sharing a personal part of me as this is the reason why I've chosen the sheep as my logo. I liken myself to the sheep. I, too, am helpless at times. Defenseless to accidents, illnesses, and death. Yeah, we have preventative measures but you get what I mean. We could fall sick and die at any given time. I, like the sheep, am not the smartest and I dare say am even rebellious and often go astray. Lastly, the bugs eating away the sheep's brain is a metaphor for anxiety, suicidal thoughts, depression, etc.,. It's noteworthy that these bugs target the sheep's brain because negative thoughts also eat away our happiness, peace, compassion, generosity, and kindness. We would do anything just to ease the suffering. Sheep bang their skulls on rocks and trees. Humans? We also hurt ourselves with different substances and in various ways to ease the pain. That is why sheep need a shepherd. In the same way, I also need a Shepherd. The Shepherd is the One I believe in. I put my faith in Him. My Shepherd is the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything can be explained more in Psalm 23 but I'm gonna leave it at that for now.
Phew! I hope I did not make you uncomfortable with how intimate and personal that was! Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to preach. I have my beliefs is all I'm saying but I ain't no saint either. Trust me. I respect each and every one and what they believe in. So more about me...
My name is Frances Balancar. I don't like my second name so I'm hoping we could all just forget and pretend I never had a second name. I am from the Philippines and I started working

when I was 18. I got promoted last year, May, to a process trainer position in the office where I currently work at. However, I am tired of the office setting and I would like to do so much in life. The catalyst for this lifestyle change to virtual assistance is this persistent urge to do more. Explore more places. Laugh more. Discover new delicacies. Meet more people. Inspire and be inspired. If I can work on-the-go then that would be perfect! I have fully committed to grow my virtual assistance business as well. I have enrolled in the Filipino Virtual Assistance online training for freelancing to kick-start my new venture. I am aiming for a gold certificate at the end of the training so that is another blog post to watch out for. I am also looking into other training sessions to develop my newly acquired skills. I am in the business of self-development and have I told you I have a knack for self-help books? Having a growth mindset is really important as it develops your backbone to stay on track and achieve your goals. I can't say I'm a vicarious learner but I love seeing and learning things in other people's perspective that is why being a part of a team excites me. What would excite me more though.. is getting an XSR 155 this year! I claim it! Universe! Buddy, I know you hear me! Gah. There's so many things in life to be grateful for and there's much beauty to revel in. Hey. Keep your head up. Keep setting new goals and achieve existing ones. Keep learning more about yourself and other people. Be interested. Be proactive. Be engaged. People look so beautiful when they're doing something they love!
I hope you enjoyed my first ever blog post. Ciao!